Vincent Smith, Lyubomir Penev

Collaborative electronic infrastructures to accelerate taxonomic research


Terry Erwin, Pavel Stoev, Teodor Georgiev, Lyubomir Penev
ZooKeys 150: Three and a half years of innovative publishing and growth


Anne Thessen, David Patterson
Data issues in the life sciences


Vincent Smith, Simon Rycroft, Irina Brake, Ben Scott, Ed Baker, Laurence Livermore, Vladimir Blagoderov, David Roberts
Scratchpads 2.0: a Virtual Research Environment supporting scholarly collaboration, communication and data publication in biodiversity science


Walter Berendsohn, Anton Güntsch, Niels Hoffmann, Andreas Kohlbecker, Katja Luther, Andreas Müller
Biodiversity information platforms: From standards to interoperability


Lyubomir Penev, Christopher Lyal, Anna Weitzman, David Morse, David King, Guido Sautter, Teodor Georgiev, Robert Morris, Terry Catapano, Donat Agosti
XML schemas and mark-up practices of taxonomic literature


Steven Bachman, Justin Moat, Andrew Hill, Javier de la Torre, Ben Scott
Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: geospatial conservation assessment tool


Gregor Hagedorn, Daniel Mietchen, Robert Morris, Donat Agosti, Lyubomir Penev, Walter Berendsohn, Donald Hobern
Creative Commons licenses and the non-commercial condition: Implications for the re-use of biodiversity information


David King, David Morse, Alistair Willis, Anton Dil
Towards the bibliography of life


Edward Baker, Ellinor Michel
Data standards, sense and stability: Scratchpads, the ICZN and ZooBank


Irina Brake, Daphne Duin, Isabella Van de Velde, Vincent Smith, Simon Rycroft
Who learns from whom? Supporting users and developers of a major biodiversity e-infrastructure

Daphne Duin, Peter van den Besselaar
Studying the effects of virtual biodiversity research infrastructures


Christos Arvanitidis, Sarah Faulwetter, Georgios Chatzigeorgiou, Lyubomir Penev, Olaf Bánki, Thanos Dailianis, Evangelos Pafilis, Michail Kouratoras, Eva Chatzinikolaou, Lucia Fanini, Aikaterini Vasileiadou, Christina Pavloudi, Panagiotis Vavilis, Panagiota Koulouri, Costas Dounas
Engaging the broader community in biodiversity research: the concept of the COMBER pilot project for divers in ViBRANT


Christine Lambkin, Justin Bartlett
Bush Blitz aids description of three new species and a new genus of Australian beeflies (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Exoprosopini)


Edward Baker, Ken Johnson, Jeremy R. Young

The future of the past in the present: biodiversity informatics and geological time


  • Penev et al. (2008) ZooKeys, unlocking Earth's incredible biodiversity and building a sustainable bridge into the public domain: From "print-based" to "web-based" taxonomy, systematics, and natural history. Zookeys 1:1-7.

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